Yoga comes in a myriad of forms, styles, and shapes. Standing yoga is one such effective form comprising yoga asanas that do not require sitting on the mat. This style of yoga is fast evolving into a top choice because of the health benefits and ease of doing it. Be it spinal problems, back pain, or muscle cramps, these poses help tackle many discomforts in everyday life.
Top Standing Yoga Asanas for Improved Vitality
Struggling with back aches, joint pains, and more? Try these fifteen standing yoga asanas for improved vitality –
1. Tadasana
Stand tall with your shoulders relaxed. Keep your feet firmly on the ground at a little distance. Stretch the crown upward and inhale deeply. Raise your arms skyward and hold the pose for a few breaths.
2. Virabhadrasana I
Begin in the downward dog position and bring your right knee near the nose. Place your right foot between your hands, which are on the ground. Bend your knees while raising your arms upward. Hold briefly, and then release. Repeat the same for both legs.
3. Parivrtta Trikonasana
From the triangle pose, lower your left hand to the mat. Twist your body and open it to the right side. Raise your right arm skyward and gaze upward. Hold for a few breaths and repeat the same for the other leg.
4. Malasana
Stand and raise your arms skyward. Bend forward and touch the ground. Move your feet wide apart, bend your knees, and pivot your toes. Lower into a squat and hold for a while.
5. Shanti Virabhadrasana
Start in the Virabhadrasana, step forward with your left foot, and lift your left hand. Gently arch back while inhaling. Hold briefly, then release. Switch legs and repeat.
6. Ashta Chandrasana
Place one foot between your hands and extend your left leg back. Place your front foot on the ground and lift onto your left toe. While looking forward, rise into a high lunge with your arms overhead. Hold for a few breaths.
7. Virabhadrasana II
Stand straight with your arms stretched parallel. Align the ankles under the knees and stretch the right leg forward. Bend your knee and balance on the ankle. Hold for a few breaths and release. Repeat with the other leg.
8. Uttanasana
Stand tall and raise your arms. Hinge at your hips, fold your upper body forward, bend your knees, and touch the ground. Inhale, half-lift, then exhale. Hold for a few breaths, then stand up.
9. Vriksasana
Stand on one leg, bend the other knee over the thigh, lift your arms, and fold your hands in the ‘namaskar’ pose.
Switch the balance on each leg for a few minutes.
10. Utthita Parsvakonasana
Start in the mountain pose and form a ‘T’ shape. Bend the right knee, touch the mat with the right hand, and lift the left arm. Return and repeat on the other side.
11. Virabhadrasana III
Start with the Virabhadrasana I pose; turn your right foot out and ground it. Lift your back foot and bend forward slowly. Stretch your arms or swing them back, align your body from neck to toe, and hold.
12. Kati Chakrasana
Stand with your feet together. Inhale and stretch your arms apart. Exhale, twist left and look back. Inhale and return to the centre. Repeat on the other side.
13. Utkatasana
Start in the Tadasana standing yoga pose and lift your arms and lower hips. Half squat like you are sitting on a chair. Hold for a few breaths and release.
14. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Stand tall with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Shift your weight to the left foot and lift the right foot. Grab the right big toe and bend your right knee. Extend your right leg forward with your torso upright. Hold for breaths, then switch sides.
15. Natarajasana
Shift your weight to the right foot and raise your left foot behind you. Hold the left foot with the left hand and lift it up and back. Keep reaching towards the sky.
Yoga Advantages: Benefits of Adding Yoga Practices to Your Fitness Routine
With standing yoga, you can get rid of several lifestyle issues. Some other key benefits of standing yoga asanas include –
- Builds strength and flexibility
- Enhances balance and stability
- It alleviates stress and promotes relaxation
- Sharpens focus and improves mental clarity
- Boosts energy levels and overall vitality
- Promotes emotional resilience and inner peace
- Improves circulation and supports cardiovascular health
Health Insurance with Yoga Cover
Incorporating yoga into daily life is a pro move towards maintaining good health. If you’ve adopted yoga, you’re already leading the game. Along with such preventive lifestyle changes, it’s essential to have health insurance for financial security during health emergencies. Health insurance with yoga cover extends financial support to traditional treatments like Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Choose a comprehensive shield, such as PhonePe insurance, to ensure complete protection. Altogether, yoga and AYUSH health insurance are invaluable for ensuring total well-being!
Key Takeaways
Standing yoga asanas are a great way to enhance well-being. With these fifteen essential yoga asanas, you can reap yoga advantages, such as strengthened muscles, improved balance, and reduced stress. Also, don’t forget to cover all your yoga treatments with an AYUSH health insurance cover.